
Reiki is a simple energy practice that promotes profound, natural healing on all levels of our existence: 
physical, emotional, and spiritual. 
It is a powerful catalyst for personal growth and healing 

A holistic practice to inner balance.

Reiki refers to the all-encompassing life energy. It is always present, in every second all around us.

In a Reiki session I help you to connect with this creative energy. You go on the path to your essence, to your "true self". 


I practice Reiki authentically and intuitively according to the traditional system of Mikao Usui. 


This practice is powerful and healing at the same time. 

Reiki offers you possibilities to free yourself from shadows, to release emotional as well as physical blockages and to transform no longer serving or negative beliefs. 

How Reiki serves you.

A Reiki session supports you in many areas of your life:

- strengthen your self-love as well as the love for your environment and thereby improve your relationships

- become self-confident, find the power to speak your truth with a clear voice and show yourself to the world.

- release fears, overcome thought chaos, find clarity and learn to connect with your inner guidance.

- transform traumas from days gone by into courage and love of life. 

- transform physical stress and mental exhaustion into relaxation and harmony.

- boost your personal development through more self-confidence and clear intuition

- find creativity, passion and lightness and leave heavy emotions behind you

- activate your self-healing powers by developing the right mindset ( energy flows where intention goes )

- expand your consciousness and take charge of your life

Contrary to what is portrayed in the media, Reiki is more than just the laying on of hands and does not refer exclusively to the physical level. 

A blockage on the physical level often has its origin on the emotional level. Blockages on the emotional level often originate from our world of thoughts (our beliefs). 

Reiki connects body, mind and soul. 
Thus, a holistic cleansing process takes place to bring you back into balance, to give you joy, health and love of life.